Designing Metric Oriented Objects


I make the following axioms:

  • an object has properties;
  • properties are axis;
  • the purpose of object metrics is to know if another object is close to another one or;
  • to know if an object is oriented in the same direction.

Since an attribute itself is an object, we have to consider the most simple case:

An object made of type of base

Integers, float, complex

The L1 Euclidian distance suffices from value to value.

Let’s see if we have the interval with orientation this way?

Given a Point A and B with properties x,y,z can we easily find the Euclidean results?::
>>> from archery.bow import Daikyu
>>> class Point(Daikyu):
>>>     def __abs__(self):
>>>         # L2 distance
>>>         return sum(map(lambda s:s*s,self.value()))**.5